Really liked this article. It's one thing for me to generally believe Kornet makes great team sacrifice decisions, and another to see breakdowns that help pinpoint specific things that support that point.

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Thanks, Tim! Honestly, these are my favorite articles to write, but im trying to strike a balance :)

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And my favorite trademark Adam Taylor reads. I still fondly remember your CelticsBlog article demonstrating how Daniel Theis’ seals opened up Tatum’s game. Keep up the excellent work, Adam. You’ve clearly got a group of us who relish your insightful work! 👍

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Thank you, Scott! Really appreciate it!

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Man, Precious looks clueless in those clips.

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Yeah, he had a really tough night. They really need Robinson back

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Thanks for your analysis. You help me see the game better.

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Thank you, David! I always appreciate the fact people take the time to read my stuff. Always a humbling realization.

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